20 Squares: Headphones

Keywords:Connotative, DenotativeChannels: Print
20 Squares: Headphones
was a print project that consisted of 20 individual squares in various sizes. With this project, I had the goal of 
photographing a chosen object in which text could be added to make a set that describes it in denotative and connotative ways. 

To start this project, I first researched the history of headphones to get a better understanding of the context and the meanings associated with them, as well as how the meaning changed over time as it became something that was more common to own. Then photographed my object in multiple different placements and angles to be able to have a variety of shots to work with. After that, I used my research to make choices on what I wanted my project to convey through text. Then I decided which ones I thought were more important to be seen, and sized them accordingly.