The Laws of Simplicity Book

Keywords:Grid, Kerning, Layout, Leading, & SystemChannels: Print, Perfect-bound book
The Laws of Simplicity
was a print, perfect-bound book project that involved redesigning John Maeda’s book, The Laws of Simplicity. This project had the goal of developing a more complex type system, exploring form, and conveying meaning. For this project, I read Maeda’s book and started to think about how I could best redesign it. I made a grid to start with and input the text to get a sense of how many pages I would need to design. From there, I tried multiple different fonts, kerning and leading spacing, and column sizes. Once I decided on all of these things, I made multiple paragraph styles for the different areas of hierarchy. Then, I started to input the imagery throughout the book, adjusted the text as needed, and bolded and italicized certain spots. Lastly, I worked on the non-chapter pages, deciding on how those pages should be laid out.